Rain Walker



A large, small, and extremely lightweight umbrella constructed entirely with fiberglass and covered with 10D silnylon.

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Estimated delivery: Friday 14 March
Estimated delivery: Friday 14 March

Ultralight Mountain Umbrella

The ultralight Rain Walker mountain umbrella is designed by Six Moon Design in Texas (USA) and is one of the lightest on the market.

When to Use It

A mountain umbrella for hiking is an alternative to a rain jacket or poncho. You can open it instantly without needing to remove clothing. It’s fully waterproof, breathable, and protects you from heat and sun 🙂
Although not as commonly seen as in the USA, if you are aware of its benefits and are genuinely looking for a lightweight and small umbrella, this is a good option. It’s large enough to keep both you and your backpack dry.

paraguas de montaña ultraligero


To reduce weight, its entire structure is made of carbon fiber. It has an ergonomic EVA foam grip similar to a trekking pole handle. Additionally, it easily fits in a side pocket, and its small profile prevents snagging while walking.
It opens and closes easily without a release button to fuss with. Available in 2 colors; Blue and green.

Made of Carbon Fiber and 10D Silnylon

The entire structure is built of carbon fiber, which doesn’t conduct electricity. This helps to reduce its weight by 40% compared to other market models. Also, since there’s no metal, you won’t get electrocuted by lightning during a summer storm 🙂
It uses a very thin 10D Ripstop nylon fabric impregnated with silicone (Silnylon). Silicone is a hydrophobic material (water-repellent), thus achieving a highly waterproof fabric. It also has a certain elasticity, just like the nylon itself, making it more resistant to pulls and tears.

Paraguas de montaña ultraligero

Photo @urawarimba


  • Weight: 156gr.
  • Available colors: green and blue.
  • EVA foam handle.

Size Charts


Closed 63.5cm
Open 94cm
Coverage 0.7m2


Ratings and Reviews

  1. Juan  

    Un paraguas muy chulo, no pesa a penas pero es resistente. Se abre muy suave y aguanta bien la rachas de viento. muy impresionado.

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